Church IT & other technology. Lessons from a one man IT show.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

vpn at last

It's been a long time coming, but we were finally able to implement a site-to-site VPN with our satellite office at Fairfield. I worked with a great guy who volunteered hours of his time to help get this up and running (you're the man Steve!). The site pastor & his staff can now access our Exchange server, file server and printers as if he were on our main campus. This project has been a goal of mine for a long time now and it's great to be able to check it off my list.

Once that was completed, it was an easy next step to get a remote vpn policy setup. I'm sitting in my living room, on my wireless network, connected directly to CLC. This is one of those double-edged swords, of course, because even when I'm home I can be at work. A blessing and a curse, but the benefits of it are tremendous. CLC's emphasis on technology, and IT specifically, is growing so dramatically that I need more access and control. I could easily see myself in a situation like Jason Powell at Granger encountered. Remote access is crucial.

My plan is to test this out for a while and then gradually roll it out to our mobile staff. If this takes off and we begin to have staff working from home, what policies and procedures need to be in place? How big of a can of worms does this open?


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