Head count vs. people count
Every weekend at CLC we take attendance. In each of our 4 services, you sign your name on a "Connection Pad" to let us know you were here and that information is then manually entered into Shelby. Naturally, not everyone in service actually signs in, either because they come in late, the connection pad is never passed, etc. To get a complete head count, our ushers count everyone each service and, as I recently learned, that data is manually entered into a spreadsheet - yes, a spreadsheet, not Shelby.
Both sets of data are very important to CLC. We need to know who attends when in order to effectively keep up with individuals (people count), and we also need to be able to keep track of how many people total are attending (head count). The problem is, those 2 sets of data are handled very differently. If we want to look at an individual's attendance record, we can easily get that from Shelby. However, when I recently asked how we could view the total weekend attendance patterns for the last year, I learned it was not that simple. As it stands now, a staff member would have to sort through her weekly reports that she prepares in Excel and prints out and stores in a 3 ring binder. Archaic, to say the least.
I was very surprised to learn that we were not using Shelby to keep track of head count, but I thought is was just because no one knew how. It seems like such a basic function, so I was sure Shelby could handle it. I made it a point to look into this when I had the opportunity to speak with a sales rep from Shelby, and I was really surprised to learn that there was no such function. I wonder what other Shelby churches do??
I know what Fellowship One churches do. I had an excellent conversation with Jeff from F1 (thanks for the time Jeff!) and I learned that F1 definitely provides for this situation. Add another item to my list.
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